Jul 09, 2015

Have your wedding cake and eat it too

"Facebook the rainbow! As many of you know, I’m not talking about a new Skittles social media campaign. I’m talking about the ubiquitous rainbow profile pic filter Facebook provided under the moniker “Celebrate Pride” after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in a 5-4 ruling, one day before most of us in Berlin celebrated Pride at one of the city’s two flavor explosions known as the CSDs. The pic filter appeared as a sort of passive way to show your support for gay marriage and by extension, the US ruling. Facebook made it hard for Berlin, and the world, not to notice."

Our editor-in-chief, Walter Crasshole, wrote something on the gay marriage ruling in the US for Berlin's gay magazine Siegessäule. Read it here.

by Walter Crasshole

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And who the hell am I? If you’ve been following the blog at all, you may have wondered out of which horny hole this perverted punk has stepped. I won’t reveal too much – a bit of mystery is sexy, right? But a few things may be in order.

First, I was born in that part of the world that most people think is actually Canada, but it’s not. I was born in Alaska. Who would have thought that place could produce more than oil and Sarah Palin – two decidedly unsexy things.

Second, I’m no stranger to sex on screen. I appeared in two arty porn films with DVD releases: one in San Francisco and one here in Berlin. There may be other footage of me out there, but if so, I don’t know where. And yup, I moved to Berlin from gay ol’ San Francisco, where I learned to be a proper fag and how to be a writer all at the same time.

There’s more from San Francisco coming your way via Dandy Dicks, so stay tuned.

But I left San Francisco. And took my heart with me. Five years now in Berlin and I can’t think of a better place to be. I’ve been making it here as a writer ever since and I’m happy to report there’s no going back.

I think I’ve given you enough of the basics. More you’ll just have to find out either through this blog or a little Google. But I hope with that you stick around Dandy Dicks – for this blog and of course, the boys!

Walter Crasshole